Onyx Montessori Referral Program

Earn commissions for referring your friends and family to Onyx Montessori Educational Centre.

How it works:

  1. Check below and generate your unique referral code.
  2. If it doesn't appear on the first click, please refresh the page, re-enter your details and generate the code again. This should resolve the issue.
  3. Share your code with friends and family.
  4. When they enroll in Onyx Montessori, you will need to assist them in using your referral code during the registeration processs.
  5. You will earn a commission for each friend who enrolls.
  6. Make sure that the generated code is sent to both your email address and the Onyx admin email address, which will pop up after submitting the referral form. This step ensures proper attribution of your referral.
  7. To finalize the process and secure your commission when you refer someone, please visit the Onyx Referral Form page in the website menu or click on the 'Onyx Referral Form' label below.


As the referrer, please fill in the referral form on behalf of the person you are signing on. This form helps us track your referrals accurately.

By following these steps, you'll be able to efficiently refer your friends and family to Onyx Montessori Educational Centre while ensuring that your referrals are properly tracked and your commissions are secured.

Terms and conditions:

  • The referral code is valid for one year.
  • You can only earn commission on the first enrollment of each referred friend.
  • The referral program is subject to change at any time.

Start referring today and earn rewards for helping us build brighter futures.

Enrich lives. Build futures. Onyx Montessori Educational Centre.

Onyx Referral Form
Referral Program

Onyx Montessori Referral Success Program

Earn commission for referring your friends and family to Onyx Montessori!

Refer Friends and Family

Your referral code is:
Remember to send the email with your code to yourself and the admin's email for commission tracking purposes.